Has the ability to be creative disappeared from present day Data Viz?
Fast Company's Co.Design posted a poignant piece on the evolution of the Data Visualization industry. It argues that gone are the days of cutting edge visualizations such as Stamen Design's watercolour maps, which I have reproduced in this website. It argues that this is mainly due to readily available and accessible software such as Tableau, as well as wide acceptance of Big Data and an organization's need to present collected data in a digestible format for readers, shareholders, citizens and others invested in the knowledge of that organization.
While agreeing with this piece on generally most aspects, I feel that humans have an inherent need to create. This point can be illustrated within many industries but most easily in the Luxury Fashion sector. The Luxury Fashion industry is worth billions and at this point, is quite established. While season after season, there's a familiar nod to the past with runway shows: Grunge-y 90's looks, 70's boho vibes etc., there will always be something new, current and fresh. Wearable tech is only a recent development in the industry. The use of 3-D technology such as Iris Van Herpen's intricate creations has infused the industry with something completely original.
Data Visualization has reached the point of mass-acceptance, from a frivolity to necessity, and this may not be a bad thing. Wide acceptance of the industry and the practice may lead to bigger and continued investments for projects from firms realizing that this is an integral part of any business. Designers and analysts will continue to create innovative visualizations that push the boundaries on what is expected from a visualization.
What are your views on this?